Full Course Description

Changing the ADHD Brain: Moving Beyond Medication​

Program Information


  1. Articulate the relationship between the frontal lobe of the brain and ADHD symptomology for the purpose of client psychoeducation.
  2. Determine the impact of movement and exercise on the reduction of ADHD symptoms as it relates to assessment and treatment planning.
  3. Implement treatment interventions for improving impulse control and working memory in clients.
  4. Analyze the influence of diet and nutrition on ADHD symptoms in relation to assessment and treatment planning.
  5. Develop clinical strategies to calm the nervous system of clients diagnosed with ADHD.
  6. Assess the clinical implications of environmental influences on ADHD symptoms in clients.


Why Not Medication?

  • Useful as a short-term tool
  • Concerns with long-term use: Effects on the brain
ADHD and the “Immature” Brain
  • Brain imaging evidence of ADHD
  • Research regarding ADHD brain development
    • Frontal lobes mature more slowly in the ADHD brain
    • Excess theta brainwaves
  • Implications for treatment
Movement-Based Strategies
  • Wake up an underaroused ADHD brain
  • Hyperactivity as an adaptive mechanism
  • The impact of play and exercise on the brain
  • Role of rhythm and timing training
  • Integrated movement systems for ADHD
Frontal Lobe/Working Memory Strategic Tools
  • Use it or lose it: Increase memory, attention and focus
  • Games for impulse control and working memory
  • Computerized cognitive training programs
  • Meditation and mindfulness for ADHD
  • Neurofeedback
Diet and Nutrition
  • The impact of sugars, fats, proteins and water
  • Diet and dopamine
  • Omega 3-6-9: What you need to know for brain health
  • Multivitamins/minerals: Do they make a difference?
  • Gluten, food additives and pesticides
ADHD and Nervous System Overstimulation
  • ”Overaroused” subtype of ADHD
  • Stress, anxiety and ADHD: the connection
  • Breathwork and movement for nervous system calming
  • Heart rate variability biofeedback
  • Art therapy techniques to quiet and focus the brain
Environmental Influences
  • Video games and Social Media
  • Sleep deprivation
    • Same symptoms as ADHD
    • Strategies to help insomnia
  • Environmental toxins: lead, phthalates, pollution
  • The impact of time in nature on ADHD symptoms

Copyright : 18/08/2017

ADHD Treatment for Children & Adults: Proven Strategies to Self-Regulate, Stay on Task & Manage Anxiety & Intense Emotions​

Program Information


  1. Analyze the pluses and minuses of using diet, meds or therapy approaches for ADHD.
  2. Summarize Barkley’s levels of pre-executive function and executive function.
  3. Characterize three attention interventions.
  4. Devise a detailed program to help adults manage the details of their life.
  5. Summarize five ways to manage anxiety in children and adults.
  6. Communicate three ways to work with emotional regulation in ADHD.
  7. Outline the key element of timing therapy and how to achieve it.
  8. Simulate a program for learning to stay present.


  • General approaches to manage ADHD
  • Dietary: Metabolic issues, food sensitivities
  • Medications: The pros and cons
  • Non-medication therapies
Executive Function and Self-Regulation
  • Does Executive Function equal Self-Regulation?
  • Russ Barkley’s levels of executive function
  • Matching Barkley’s levels to age and maturity to plan interventions
  • Self-regulation capabilities and compensation
Emotion Regulation
  • Recognize “off-center” emotions and intensity
  • Get in touch with and be present to emotions
  • Strategies to accept and manage emotions
  • Positive guidance via the Nurtured Heart Approach
  • Manage intensity for the adult
  • Diffuse emotions with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Structure and Organization
  • Create habits in small children
  • Dictated goals vs. self-management of tasks
  • Using apps to compensate for poor organization skills
Slow Impulsivity
  • Basics: One thing at a time
  • Learn effective self-control
  • Self-management for children
  • Self-management for adults
Attention Therapies for ADHD
  • Timing therapy for children and adults
    • Interactive Metronome®
    • A metronome app
  • Sharp attention to gain hyper-focus
  • Have fun with attention exercises for young children
  • Mindfulness attention training for children and adults
Anxiety and Stress Management Strategies
  • Look social situations in the eye
  • Keep deadlines at arm’s length
  • Stress management
  • Three breathing techniques
  • Physical exercise, work and play
  • The Mind Jar
  • Keep it simple
  • Learn self-acceptance vs. defensiveness
Advanced Techniques
  • Recognize emotional and mental states
  • Stay present, wait, watch and accept
  • Use self-regulation to counter impulses
  • Advanced strategies to manage intensity

Copyright : 11/11/2015

Executive Function, ADHD and Stress in the Classroom​

Program Information


  1. Implement strategies to increase students’ executive functioning skills during both structured activities and open learning times.
  2. Employ classroom interventions that will improve time management, organizational and study skills for kids diagnosed with ADHD.
  3. Apply simple breathing and mindfulness techniques to reduce students’ stress levels, improve emotional regulation in order to meet classroom expectations.
  4. Adapt traditional behavior modification programs to address non-compliant behavior in kids who have ADHD.
  5. Utilize classroom management strategies that apply to the whole class while also meeting the needs of students who are easily distracted or who have cognitive processing delays.
  6. Implement strategies to improve homework compliance and improve study skills among students.


Impact of ADHD, Executive Function and Stress on Learning and Behavior

  • Challenges ADHD creates beyond impulsivity, inattentiveness and hyperactivity
  • Relationship between ADHD, executive function and stress
  • Determining eligibility for services

Techniques to Strengthen Emotional/ Self-Regulation in School

  • Self-monitoring strategies for students to adjust their self-talk and focus control
  • Specific time management techniques for deepening concentration and perseverance
  • Environmental modifications to help students harness innate strength
  • Addressing the issues of ADHD medication in school

Strategies to Reduce Disruptive Behaviors, Stress & Anxiety

  • Powerful changes in the classroom environment to support student independence
  • Supporting lagging developmental skills required for self-regulation
  • Class-wide culture shifts to aide calm and focus for all students
  • Problem solving and self-advocacy tools to increase self-monitoring

Strategies to Improve Attention, Organization, Time Management and Memory

  • Powerful use of graphic organizers facilitate writing, organizing and problem solving
  • Specific timers, paper organizers, and homework management systems
  • Keys to incorporate movement, fidgets, and mindfulness techniques
  • Making IEP and 504 plans more effective and impactful for teachers and students

Copyright : 13/03/2017